Real-time PCR Testkits

Pathogen Diagnostic Test Kits. The new multiplex real-time PCR tests of immunodiagnostics all run in the same real-time PCR protocol.

Based on the FRET technology for MyGo Pro Cycler best suited.

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Multiplex Real-Time PCR Kits

GastroSys1Norovirus combined with rotavirus and adenovirus (MutaPLEX®)96 tests
GastroSys2Canpylobacter jejuni combined with salmonella enterica and listeria monocytogenes (MutaPLEX®)96 tests
GastroSys3Astrovirus combined with sapovirus (MutaPLEX®)96 tests
RespiraSys1Influenza A combined with RSV and influenza B (MutaPLEX®)96 tests

More Real-Time PCR tests for pathogen detection

Bordetella pertussis/parapertussis (MutaPLATE®)96 Tests
Campylobacter (MutaPLATE®)96 tests
Chlostridium difficile (Toxin B) (MutaPLATE®)96 tests
Enterovirus (MutaPLEX®/ REX®)32 or 96 tests
Legionella species (MutaPLEX®)32 or 96 tests
Legionella pneumophila (MutaPLEX®)96 tests
Listeria (MutaPLEX®)96 tests
MRSA (MutaPLEX®)32 or 96 tests
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB-Komplex) (MutaPLEX®)96 tests
Norovirus (MutaPLATE/PLEX®)32 or 96 tests
Salmonella enterica (MutaPLEX®)32 or 96 tests
SRB (Sulfate Reducing Bacteria) (MutaPLATE®)96 tests
Streptococcus GBS (Group B Streptococcus) (MutaPLEX®)96 tests